RealPlayer SP Plus Build Full Version
Real Player Review
Real Player plays all major media formats including RealVideo, RealAudio, Windows Media and Quicktime. This makes it easier for end users to decide on the media they want to access, not the format or software. You can download multiple videos simultaneously with RealPlayer supports almost all video formats. Real Player enables you to easily burn videos to CD or to DVD, using RealPlayer Plus.
RealPlayer Features
* Consumers can send links of their favorite videos to their friends with a convenient "Share with a Friend" feature. The link that arrives in their friends' email will direct them to the online source of the video content their friend downloaded.
* RealPlayer supports both downloading and recording for popular streaming format (Windows Media, Real, and QuickTime)
* RealPlayer will only download/record video that is not protected by DRM (Digital Rights Management) systems.
* RealPlayer features an improved look and feel, a streamlined installation process and faster video playback.
* RealPlayer will first be released for Windows, and will work with both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. Real plans a version for the Mac to be released later in the year.
Real Player Gold 12 Free Download
Pass: plus
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